Reka hape Order Of Aluminium Foil Mylar Tape


Reka hape Order Of Aluminium Foil Mylar Tape

Re thabetse hore ebe moreki o rekile hape litheipi tse ling tsa Mylar tsa foil ka mor'a hore odara ea ho qetela ea litheipi tsa Mylar e fihle.
Moreki o ile a e sebelisa hang ka mor'a hore a fumane thepa, 'me sephutheloana sa rona hammoho le boleng ba sehlahisoa se ile sa feta tebello ea moreki, ka bokaholimo bo boreleli ebile bo se na manonyeletso,' me matla a tsitsipano le bolelele nakong ea khefu li ne li phahame ho feta maemo a moreki. . Ena esale e le tataiso ea rona ho ntlafatsa boleng ba lihlahisoa tsa rona ho latela maemo a moreki, ho fihlela litlhoko tsa moreki hamolemo, le ho hlahisa lihlahisoa tse khotsofatsang moreki.


Hona joale, LEFATŠE le le leng le amohetse lisebelisoa tsa morao-rao tsa tlhahiso ea ho hlahisa litheipi tsa aluminium foil Mylar ka spools le maqephe, 'me re sebelisa lisebelisoa tse ncha tse tala ho etsa bonnete ba hore litekanyetso tsa tlhahiso ea aluminium foil li-tape tsa Mylar li fihla ho maemo.

Joaloka feme e shebaneng le tlhahiso ea lisebelisoa tsa terata le lithapo, sepheo sa rona ke ho fa bareki thepa ea boleng bo holimo le e theko e tlase, ho boloka litšenyehelo bakeng sa bareki, re tla tsoelapele ho ntlafatsa theknoloji ea tlhahiso, ts'ebeliso ea mechini e tsoetseng pele ea machaba ea tlhahiso. bakeng sa tlhahiso, tšebeletso e phethahetseng le boleng LEFATŠENG LE LE LENG.

Nako ea poso: Apr-10-2023